April Recap

April Recap
Posted on 04/30/2024

Movie Night

Student Council hosted a movie night in early April. Scholars came and watched Spider-man Into the Spider-Verse while enjoying snacks with friends.

Movie Night

NJHS Field Trip

The National Junior Honor Society went on a field trip to Feed My Starving Children. They packaged 37,584 meals that will feed 103 children for a year! 


Eclipse Viewing

Scholars viewed the solar eclipse and looked pretty cool while doing it! 

Sixth Graders looking at the solar eclipse

Math Team Dominates

Our math team attended the PMSA Middle School Math Competition. They placed third as a team overall out of 10 teams. We also had several individual placers in the joint and grade-level team competitions.  Math team

Boys Volleyball

The Varsity and JV volleyball teams are both playing very well this season! Currently, both teams have a record of 11 wins and one loss. Varsity volleyball game

Seventh Grade Field Trip

Seventh graders went to the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. They spent the day observing and discovering nature. Many said that their favorite part was the butterflies!

field trip

Save the Date 

May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week 

May 8 - NHJH Volleyball Charity Event

May 9 - Last Day to Buy a Yearbook

May 24 - 12:30 Dismissal

May 27 - Memorial Day (No School)

May 31 - Class Night (8th Grade Dance)

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