Busing Information

The mission of School District 87's Transportation Department is to provide safe, timely, and courteous bus transportation services to eligible students.

Please see the Busing Boundaries page for more information on District 87's qualifying transportation area.

Please contact the Facility and Transportation Department with any questions related to busing.

Bus Safety & Guidelines
All students must follow the District’s School Bus Safety Guidelines. Gross disobedience or misconduct providing grounds for suspension from riding the school bus includes, but is not limited to:
1. Prohibited student conduct as defined in the Student Behavior policy.
2. Willful injury or threat of injury to a bus driver or to another rider.
3. Willful and/or repeated defacement of the bus.
4. Repeated use of profanity.
5. Repeated willful disobedience of the bus driver’s or other supervisor’s directives.
6. Such other behavior as the administration deems to threaten the safe operation of the bus and/or its occupants.

Discipline Procedure
The District’s regular suspension procedures shall be used to suspend a student’s privilege to ride a school bus. The Superintendent or authorized designee may suspend a student from riding the school bus for up to ten (10) consecutive school days for engaging in gross disobedience or misconduct. The Board may suspend a student from riding the school bus for a period in excess of ten (10) school days for safety reasons.

Electronic Recordings on School Buses
Electronic video and audio recordings (“electronic recordings”) may be used on school buses to monitor conduct and maintain a safe environment for students and employees when transportation is provided for any school-related activity. Notice of electronic recordings shall be displayed on the exterior of the vehicle’s entrance door and front interior bulkhead in compliance with State law and the rules of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Safety. Students are prohibited from tampering with the electronic recording devices. Students who violate this policy shall be disciplined in accordance with the Board’s Student Discipline Policy, and shall also reimburse the District for any necessary repairs or replacement. A suspension from the bus does not relieve the parents of the responsibility to see that their child attends school.
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